20 Rights of People with Dementia

Bre'anna Wilson
July 17, 2023

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- The right to love
- The right to be appreciated for who they are
- The right to optimal living conditions that support function
- The right to practice their skills
- The right to be respected
- The right to be taken seriously
- The right to privacy
- The right to refuse or decline participation
- The right to grieve in their own way
- The right to be themselves
- The right to desire, claim, and ask
- The right to make mistakes
- The right to fail
- The right to express and practice their religion
- The right to live in their present reality
- The right to die "prematurely"
- The right for their possessions and finances to be respected and safeguarded
- The right to protest an injustice
- The right to informed justice system
- The right to be defended and given special consideration in the justice court system
For further details, it is strongly encouraged to check out the reference below. :)
The Rights of Persons with Dementia and Their Meaning – Jiska Cohen–Mansfield PhD; adapted from Korczak's Rights for Children and applied to persons with dementia to enhance the understanding of their rights.
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