The Top 3 Best Books on Dementia

Bre'anna Wilson
January 27, 2023
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left to right: The 36-Hour Day, With Intent, Creating Moments of Joy

The 36-Hour Day

Has been considered a staple book in the dementia care community. It really does cover the gamut of dementia care from what dementia is, medical treatment and management, common behavioral symptoms, problems in independent living and daily care, common medical problems, caring for yourself and so much more. Admittedly though, it is a very dense book with the newest version still coming in at over 350 pages with a double column format. For the new and/or busy caregiver, it can be very overwhelming and is definitely better used as a guide book where you flip to the section of information you are wanting to learn about. It's one of the most comprehensive dementia care books to date so it will likely touch on everything you are wanting to know at least to some degree.


With Intent

Was created as a practical guide to navigating behaviors along the dementia care journey. With it's large print, accessible, reader friendly format, it was designed to be read in its entirety but also used as a quick guide where you can quickly flip to the section of information you are wanting to review. The common theme of this book is learning how to be intentional in the care of both yourself and your partner living with dementia. It covers the basics of dementia, the stages of dementia, environmental considerations, how to become an independent problem-solver of challenges you may encounter with your partner living with dementia, communication techniques, how to care for yourself and so much more. This book provides busy caregivers with the essential knowledge necessary to manage their journey through dementia care in an effective and proactive manner.


Creating Moments of Joy Along the Alzheimer's Journey

Provides very practical, down-to-earth advice on dealing with specific challenges you may encounter with your partner living with dementia. There is also some humor sprinkled throughout. This particular book is organized by moments: defining moments, family moments, challenging moments, transitioning moments, enhanced moments, and final moments. If there is a particular moment of interest you can quickly use the table of contents to flip to that section and gain a few insights and suggestions. Admittedly, she does provide some controversial perspectives that you may or may not agree with. I too don't agree with every single suggestion or recommendation. However, overall the book provides some insights that may help you along the dementia care journey.


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